
All posts on this blog © J.Chaitanya Reddy.

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Location: Secunderabad, Andhra Pradesh, India

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Soap Bubbles

States of mind ... ruled over by me ... sometimes aborted just to resurface. The head spins in joy as I move along on a trip of contradictions.

Happiness is what I choose to surround me .. rushes in my hair and mind as I let go and laugh.

The battles all fought till I bleed .. the war yet to be mine. contention within ...
I dont believe I have been the the best warrior but I fought my battles .. untiring and hopeful.

And I remained happy, for the victories were mine forever while the defeats left wounds that would never turn raw again ... sheilding me at places forever.

Content I will be when I win the war ..not the battles with the outside but the war that is building within.
Along the way much of me would be lost, much found so much would get killed to be replaced by what I will bear.

Until then I develop and remain happy for being content is the ultimate .... while happiness .. well happiness can be found in soap bubbles.

Sunday, November 26, 2006

One spirit to another

You are the one
You are the one
Reason for my happiness
Leaving me in sweet daze

You are the one
I shed tears with you
You made me feel light
Happily dazed or insanely mad
You stayed with me
You are the one

The one who stood through the thick
You are the one
You made me lose control
You made me show
The side I kept hidden

You are the one
Kept me company when I left me
You are the one I loved so
Never liked you before
Nor those around you

But I fell
And kept falling
For you are the one
Who made me let go

But then I want me
And not you
I want me back
And not a reason to have you

For you are the high spirit
That keeps the others going too
But I am a free spirit
Who now doesnt need you

So I say
You were the one
But I quit now
So screw you

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Where is home

Have never been good with farewells. I dont miss the moments as much as the people.Moving on in life with so much lost, the days are filled with nothing to look forward to.

I see the splendor of beauty where people dwell, the gardens, the trees, the lake .. all moving away. The dream lies delayed and loved ones abandon me don't they see the pain that I hide.

Imperfect life which I try to mould..... moves ahead betraying. I stray in seach of home ... my home. Not a soul to my name not a tear I can claim ... slow death.

Life moves on but I think whats the purpose ... nothing mine yet, patience dying, no will nemore. Placed where I dont belong ...cant quit now ...dont really want to.

Will move on, for the quest cant be left half undone.
believing when others have givin up, alone I tread
hoping to prove to myself that I was right
yet suddenly I feel drained and weak .

The wait was killing me so I shot myself.
Thought i would arrive but killed the chance.

Where is home where is My Home.

Friday, November 10, 2006

Nothing's forbidden ...

I go way back.1984. 22 years old.

For all my life( at least as much a I can remember of it ) I have believed and still believe that mind is the only thing in your control. It is the one thing you can boast of complete power over. Yet at times the mind strays too.

Over the years I have avoided certain genre of circumstances, terrains where I felt I wasn't prepared to enter ...where I saw that people had found happiness... but then I went ahead and ventured into territories that were my own, where holding nothing in hand I felt as prepared as prepared could be.

Many a times,through this journey, I came across gardens...immaculate gardens...nurtured and blooming. Yet it never felt right to go in there and explore.
Until one day a gardner approached me and told me about how long he has been nurturing his garden and that I should come and take a peek, I need not stay but atleast give it a shot. I was also given the luxury of mulitple exits at multiple points in case I wanted to leave. Never had I thought I would take the step inside but the offer seemed as practical as it could get and definately not overwhelming, nothing I could not handle ... or so I thought.

So I walked in and what I saw was immaculate ..perfect beyond belief ... too good to be real. Never thought I would fit in and yet I kept walking with the belief that I would some day if I just walked the lanes .... I let go of my mind and it kept saying " It will grow on you ...give it some time". For once I choose not to control it ... :) .... mistakes that we make.

As it all sinks in and I walk further on the gardner tells me how well I fit in and how beautiful it all looks, I see the beauty around me and the joy in the eyes of the gardner and move on.

But soon enough as it all sinks in I see that the gardens are not mine to be, I belong to the jungles where I can make my path... move on in search of the light.

And when I look at that vision nothing seemed truer than the Exit board in sight.

I look at the gardner admiring his creation and wait for him to notice that I don't fit in his scheme of things and mine don't encourage his, but when the realisation seems to occur only to me, I shout out ... for it only seems natural. The gardner cannot understand for his immaculate garden can hold anyone forever.

I truly felt that I had done my bit, not promised beyond what I could offer and not taken anything I wasnt offered. There was no butterfly that I touched ... I just tread the path laid out in front but when I turned I saw the sprouts of bitter unfold, the gardner had receeded and blamed the blaze of his seedlings but I still saw the immaculate garden.

I was mistaken .. I should not have let my mind wander, should not have let it all be so practical... for what caused the gardner to burrow has ground me to dust.

Although I still see the beauty that lies and beacons from other terrains nothing could ever push me to go back to the immaculate gardens for the trip has left me numb ... not all of me but enough of me ... to keep me away from gardens ... immaculate as they may seem.

A little of this is emotion but my mind still drives me . I fucking hate me for allowing myself to be called a creator and a destroyer.... all in a day .. by someone other than me .