Soap Bubbles

States of mind ... ruled over by me ... sometimes aborted just to resurface. The head spins in joy as I move along on a trip of contradictions.
Happiness is what I choose to surround me .. rushes in my hair and mind as I let go and laugh.
The battles all fought till I bleed .. the war yet to be mine. contention within ...
I dont believe I have been the the best warrior but I fought my battles .. untiring and hopeful.
And I remained happy, for the victories were mine forever while the defeats left wounds that would never turn raw again ... sheilding me at places forever.
Content I will be when I win the war ..not the battles with the outside but the war that is building within.
Along the way much of me would be lost, much found so much would get killed to be replaced by what I will bear.
Until then I develop and remain happy for being content is the ultimate .... while happiness .. well happiness can be found in soap bubbles.
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