Just talk!!
Think.... when was the last time that I talked with anyone ?? I mean really talk..no communication, no ulterior motive, just pure plain simple talk. aimless conversation spanning the new things in life, the news, my dreams, childhood incidents, gossip, anything.
For a very long time as I came to realise, I haven't been talking I have been communicating .. text messages planning dinner, e-mails asking or providing someone some help.
Mechanical conversations during the drill of eating, where my mind would stray about how to manage the 6 hours of sleep I promised myself.
Any talks in a group being very safe communication - about work, the food or some news. No time for discussions.
The 3-4 hour long calls I used to enjoy are dreaded for it eats away my time for reading, gathering information, analysing the pros and cons, weekly cleaning, new music.
But whats the point of such analysis which I cannot share. Whats the point when all your friends feel like you have no time.Whats the point when life is dictated by a lot of truncated "luv u's". Whats the point when all you are doing is presenting your best to the world so much that you start fearing not being perfect even with your friends.
I have become so prone to "communicating effectively" that my work is always done a day before the dead line, I can fit the newspaper and magazine reading, complete the cleaning, plan the home trip perfectly 2 months in advance, go for the long walks, plan the day to give everyone sometime.All work done ... yet so much given up.
A few months ago I used to be all over the place talking with every friend talking till the jaw hurt.Now I am"not to be seen" and never available to the people I really like.
In the quest to gather the latest in news, business and music I almost forgot, to talk.