
If you stay in Pune you must have heard of this place.Music, books , people, movies, Gift shops,People.....:) happening all day long.
Although , I have a totally different E-square in mind.The kind that only half the population (well almost) of the world gets to experience.And probably very few of them are aware of it.
I am talking about E-square = Estrogen Emotion.
Every lady goes through it, mostly unaware...attributing the changes in behaviour to a bad day.
Surprisingly though a lot of men seem to know about PMSing.Not that it is a bad thing...in fact it is rocking, if and only if they do more than just know, if they understand and not attribute every single emotion as a "side effect".
So if it is a man reading this you might consider to reconsider a lot of things.Whereas if you a women reading this and thinking E-sqaure has never affected me maybe you should reconsider too.
Rock on.
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